
Open Access
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Directory of Open Access journals
Open Access Theses and Dissertations: aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1000 colleges, universities, and research institutions. OATD currently indexes 2,973,503 theses and dissertations.
Cambridge Open: Open Access Journals from Cambridge University Press.
Academic Journals: Academic Journals allow African scholars free access to over 600,000 high-quality peer-reviewed articles and conference proceedings. It also enables researchers across the globe to know what is published by African scholars as well as providing avenues for article publishing. It partners with Institutions and Associations to achieve this objective.
SAGE: The SAGE Premier Journals Collection contains leading international peer-reviewed journals in a wide range of subject areas, including business, humanities, social science, and science, technology and medicine. The 2016 Collection counts 824 titles.
Edward Elgar Publishing Open Access Resources (Books and Journal): We publish Open Access content right across our list, encompassing Law, Business and the Social Sciences, and including complete books, individual book chapters and journal articles.
21st Century Global Dynamics:Our research cluster analyzes the specific features of contemporary globalization, emphasizing the social forces, fields, and trajectories that are shaping our world today.
Directory of Open Access Books: The Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) is a discovery service for peer reviewed books published under an open access licence. DOAB provides a searchable index to the information about these books, with links to the full texts of the publications at the publisher’s website or repository.
EconBiz: EconBiz aims to establish a central gateway for a broad range of economic information and to give direct access to full text documents. It a search engine including important German and international databases for economics and business studies, and also a calendar of events in economics and business studies
Bentham Open : Publishes a number of peer-reviewed open access journals. These free-to-view online journals cover all major disciplines of science, technology, medicine and social sciences.
The Journal of Research Practice: The Journal of Research Practice (JRP) is a quality-conscious peer-reviewed journal, published online by Athabasca University Press (AU Press), Canada, in the open-access mode. The journal relies on sponsorship rather than charging authors or readers to meet its cost of operations.
The Woman Stats Project : The WomanStats Project is the most comprehensive compilation of information on the status of women in the world. The Project facilitates understanding the linkage between the situation of women and the security of nation-states.”
Genocide Studies and Prevention : An International Journal provides a much-needed forum for discussion, as it fosters awareness of the atrocities linked to genocide while promoting the necessity of prevention.
Strategies for Online Teaching : Online teaching is increasingly common at many types of higher education institutions, ranging from hybrid courses that offer a combination of in-person and online instruction, to fully online experiences and distance learning. The following resources provide guidelines for creating an online course, best practices for teaching online, and strategies for assessing the quality of online education.”
Medline Plus : It is “an authoritative free website where the public can find health information in more that 40 languages”
Taylor & Francis Open Access : This is an open access journal publications of peer reviewed and scholarly sources.
African Economy and African Business This is a comprehensive data base that provides free access to business information across Africa. Current business news, video and audionews, budgetary issues in Africa, World Bank–IMF Africa Investment Club , Reports, papers, articles on Governance, Transparency,Corruption, Natural Resource Management, and general information and analysis on business and economics in Africa.”
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research CSIR is a world-class African research and development organization established to undertake multidisciplinary research and technological innovation that contributes to the improved quality of life of South Africans.
African Journal Archive Open access journal service that preserves and makes available African journal literature originating from a wide base of publishers and societies on the African continent. The Carnegie Corporation of New York initiated and sponsored the Sabinet Gateway project. The collection is made available via Sabinet.
Springer Open Journals Springer open access journals contain 200+ peer-reviewed fully open access journals across all areas of science. Springer Open journals are made freely and permanently available online immediately upon publication.
OMICS Online OMICS International is an organization that amalgamates Open Access Publications and International science events for the benefit of the global scientific community. It aims to provide a platform for “Open Access” to the research information pertaining to diversified fields of Science and technology. OMICS International publishes scholarly journals that can be easily accessed online without paying any subscription charges.
Social Science Research Networks (SSRN) SSRN is a searchable electronic library contains abstracts, full bibliographic data, and author contact information for more than 749,800 papers, more than 349,000 authors, and full text for more than 633,000 papers covering accounting, economics, entrepreneurship, political science, and other science related subjects such as biology, chemistry etc. One stop shop to accessing business research.
ArXiv An automated electronic archive and distribution server for research articles and open access collection of e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics.
ScienPress Scienpress is an academic, open-access publisher with peer reviewed journals which provide scientifically valid research in the fields of Economics, Finance, Management, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Sciences, Medical, Health, Innovation, Engineering, and more.
Highwire Highwire is the largest archive of free full-text articles published in various scholarly journals. It is searchable by journal names and provides links to their websites.
The Virtual Library The Virtual Library: International Affairs Resources is an internet directory of annotated links to high-quality information sources and analysis in various international and global studies topics.
JSTOR Open Content : Open content on jstor enables everyone, anywhere to search free journal articles and open access book chapters. This serves to complement the subscribed bundles by AUN library and searchable through the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC).
PROJECT MUSE Open Access : Project MUSE offers open access (OA) ebooks and ejournals from several distinguished university presses and scholarly societies. It covers Political Science and Policy Studies, Global Cultural Studies, Film, Theater, and Performing Arts, Area Studies (African; Asian and Pacific; Middle Eastern; Russian and East European; etc.), Literature, History. Searchable through the library Online Public Access Catalogue.
Biomedcentral Open Access Journals : Biomedcentral has an evolving portfolio of some 300 peer-reviewed journals, sharing discoveries from research communities in science, technology, engineering and medicine. This Journal includes selective titles such as BMC Biology, BMC Medicine, Genome Biology and Genome Medicine, academic journals such as Journal of Hematology & Ontology, Malaria Journal, and Microbiome, and the BMC series.
Journal of Communication and Media Research: A Research-Based and Peer Reviewed Journal (JCMR) :
About: The Journal of Communication and Media Research is a research-based and peer-reviewed journal published twice-yearly in the months of April and October by the Association of Media and Communication Researchers of Nigeria (CAC/IT/NO111018). The journal is addressed to the African and international academic community and it accepts articles from all scholars, irrespective of country or institution of affiliation.
Aim: The journal seeks to contribute to the body of knowledge in the field of communication and media studies and welcomes articles in all areas of communication and the media including, but not limited to, mass communication, mass media channels, traditional communication, organizational communication, interpersonal communication, development communication, public relations, advertising, information communication technologies, the Internet and computer-mediated communication.
Media and Communication : Media and Communication is an international open access journal dedicated to a wide variety of basic and applied research in communication and its related fields. It aims at providing a research forum on the social and cultural relevance of media and communication processes.
Stability International Journal of Security and Development (SIJSD) : Stability connects policymakers, practitioners, academics, and others with timely, peer-reviewed research on a wide range of issues related to security and development, including: Armed conflict, Sexual violence, Weak governance, Corruption, Organized crime, Terrorism, Development cooperation, Humanitarian intervention, Peacekeeping, and Security Sector Reform (SSR)